Like any brilliant idea, The Daily Decaf came to mind after an evening spent gazing at the Mekong River over a not-so-fancy bottle of wine. The wine may not have been memorable, but the night spent drinking it was.

The aim of the site is simple: have a place to come to take a break from all the buzz. Like most, we see time as something that never seems to be on our side. We have grand ideas and shared visions, but are not always sure of how to make our dreams come true. Through this site, we hope to challenge ourselves and each other to make the most of the time we have. Sometimes, this will mean saying yes to adventure and experience. Other times, this will mean learning how and when to slow down.

Our goal is to share stories and insights on traveling, living life, growing up and keeping it real. The best stories are shared ones, so please feel free to comment when the mood strikes. We’d love to hear from you!

 The Authors

1078603_619120951439563_389827781_oMike aka “Buck” : Mike is an outdoor enthusiast with a passion for New England landscape photography. He loves to hike, road bike and eat parmesan flavored Goldfish. When he’s not running barefoot up mountains, he spends his time working in IT doing “tech things.”



14700798_10101183307798619_1236886924939528780_oKatelyn aka “Smaps” : Katelyn is a wandering wombat with a fondness for mountaintops, street food and portrait photography. She loves to bargain in markets and sing off-key.  When she’s not searching for where to travel next, she spends her time working as a Registered Nurse at a community hospital.